
Monday 18 November 2019

a risk or challenge that i have faced

The North Face

in life we've all faced challenges and or done something that was quite risky. Well i know i have, It was when i was on project k, my day started like any other, waking up to the sound of a phone alarm screaming in my ear at 4:50 in the morning, ok maybe that's not like any other day but anyway i rose from my slumber and sat up then i remembered that today was the day that we had to climb mount oxford, but that wasn't when the challenge started, it started when me and Ryan had to wake everyone up and make sure they were packed and ready to leave be 8 o clock, and it was cold like really cold.

when we were all ready we started our tramp in classic “Gary's the leader day” fashion, so of course we went the wrong way for 2kms. but we went back and got on track then we realised we are going hill and it began to show quickly people were slowing down and stopping and since we were a team we had to wait for them, but we had to keep pushing those people to keep going because we didn't want to be walking into the night (we ended up walking into the night)

the worst part about it all was that by 3 o clock people were stopping all the time because they were tired. This made me frustrated and restless because i knew that they could keep going but, their minds were holding them back from continuing but then when we all finally got to the top of the mountain we all felt like we had achieved something and i guess i could say it was a good feeling being up there in the clouds freezing and breathing in that dry thin air,

after our break we had to start heading down the mountain ,fast, because the clouds were turning grey and before we knew in there was rain and hail hitting us. so me and the other leader that day decided that we had sat around for long enough and that we had to start going down the hill, now you may think that was easy but no it wasn't, actually a lot of people were falling over and hurting themselves because it was so steep and we were going down hill.

but in the end we did end up getting down the huge mountain and mostly unscathed apart from a couple of bumps,bruises,and cuts we were fine and then as we came around a very sharp corner we saw it, the lodge that we were sleeping in and the lodge that we would get our first good meal in a week. That's when me and everyone else knew that we had done it we had walked 12kms and walked up and down a 1250 m mountain. When we all got to the lodge we all collapsed on our beds and talked about what a crazy day we just had.

Tuesday 5 November 2019

creative writing

WALT: Identify and recognise ideas for our 'risk or challenge'creative writing task as well as the physical sensations associated with it.
ideas for risk or challenge
camp activities
doing a shoey
sports comps
project k
an abandoned house
being in the army
getting chased
physical sensation
sweating: palms, feet back, forehead
knees weak/shaking 
need to wee
heavy breathing 
looking around a lot/walking back and forth
leg bounce/shaking
pins and needles
heart pounding
butterflies in the stomach

Thursday 31 October 2019

movies are better than books

personally i think that  movies are better than books because i am a person that likes to get lost in a world that i can see on the screen in front of me. i dont just say that because i cant read i say that because i feel as though books take a whole page to explain 10 seconds in a movie and when reading a book a lot of things that you could see in a movie are left for your imagination to visualise which i think can sometimes give you the wrong perspective of a story.

so lets start by saying books are good and you can understand the emotions that a character is feeling  but, i think that when watching a movie there are a lot more ways that the director can connect us emotionally with a character. weather it's the use of camera angles, lighting or the weather in the scene, i believe than these aspects of film can allow us to connect more deeply with a character and really allow us to get a scene of the pain sorrow or happiness that a character is feeling. but on the other hand when reading with a book the author can only enhance the emotional connection by using different writing skills, and i feel like its better to see how sad or happy a character is rather then just reading "bob was walking in his room and heard a loud bang he went out side to check what it was, only to see his father laying on the front lawn lifeless". now that does give you a picture of what is happening but in a movie the director might use different camera angles and then maybe "bob" will have flash backs of past memories with his dad. There is a lot more i could say about this one aspect of my argument but i think you get the point now.

ok lets jump ships this time and instead of throwing shade at books lets talk about something that i believe is a thing that books can do better than movies. Whats this you might ask? well its the factor of the time limit of movies, see in a movie they have to fit a whole story into a 2 hour movie, SO some characters get left out of the movies. 
ok so for this ill use the harry potter series as my example, because there a lot of charterers that are in the books but not in the movies or, they are in the movies but their backstory is left out. so some characters from the harry potter books that done things that changed the plot such as dobby the house elf or the gaunt family (Voldemort's parents and grandparents)  went included and for me i read the books before i got in to the movies and watched the over and over. and in the last year i have realised that the movies have taken things done by other characters and just changed it so that one of the main characters do it. so i think that was a bit off topic but back to the point, i just think that movies should leave in the characters that are in the books because in gives you more characters to connect with and in my opinion i thing that is a fun thing.

so in conclusion i think that books and movies are both good in there own right. movies for being more visually and emotionally captivating, and books for being able to convey a wider  understanding and filled in version in the story without any plot holes or random characters for plot convenience. so its all about personal opinion in this argument. but any that's me done going on for this topic. so basically i think that movies are better than books, thank you and bye

Thursday 24 October 2019

team sports are better than individual sports

*team sports will help you improve skills like teamwork and other social skills.

*With individual sports usually you are part of a club or team anyway so you do have a team but when you go out to compete you are alone.

*Individual sports could help you grow your self confidence because when you win you will be proud of your self for committing to the training and then  going out competing and winning.

*In team sports you have to rely on all of your teammates showing up for training and games. but with individual sports you just have to worry about you and making sure you are going in to your training and putting in the work.
Team sports and individual sports have there obvious differences. so the question is ,are team sports better than individual sports? well i think that they are both good to play i personally enjoy playing almost every sport. but i think that individual sports are the best.

This is because team sports have a lot of factors that all have to go to plan for a team to be successful, but individual sports on the other hand are more about you going in and doing your training, you dont have to rely on other people to be at training. Even though we call sports like tennis ,golf and boxing "individual" sports they aren't really because you have people that you train with at a club or gym, and you probably have coaches as well, but even though you do have a team that help you train you dont need them to be there every training for example with golf you could just go to a driving range and practice there on your own, and with boxing you can go in to the gym and get your training in by hitting the bags or practising things like footwork and other things that you dont need someone else there to help you with.

another reason that i think that individual sports are better than team sports is, in team sports ,especially at younger ages there are people that have been playing for longer or are more talented ,you get the point, there a lot of things that can create a skill gap within your team. This can sometimes lead to the players who are newer and or less talented not being given as much of a big role in the games, but not because they dont want to but because they just get left out. this can lead to some people not continuing to play the sport and quitting.With individual sports there you do have a team but you wont get left out ever because, ill take boxing for example, when you go into a boxing gym you go to the class and you pair up with one of your team mates and you smash out some rounds. The biggest argument is that when you step in to the ring or go onto the court in tennis there is no one else there but you and your opponent so this means that all if you lose you wont have anyone saying mean things to you ,apart from yourself maybe. But usually if you lose your game or fight then you want to go back and fix what you done wrong and then come back better and more prepared than you were the last time you took centre stage.

Overall i think that individual sports are better than team sports i say this because i myself do an individual sport. I compete in mma(mixed martial arts) which is a very physically and mentally hard sport ,i have felt the crazy high of having your hand raised after a fight and finally knowing that all my hard work has payed off and this made me feel really good about myself ,because i know that there was no one better than me in there helping me win ,it was just me but the biggest reason why i think that individual sports are better than team sports is surprisingly, the low of losing, let me explain why losing is in ways a really good thing about individual sports. well when i lost my first fight i had 2 wins before that and that was all good BUT after that loss it felt like a fire was lit inside me and then i never wanted to lose again so it has made me obsessed with bettering my skills and fitness. and that is what i believe could better a lot of people that do sports to give them self something to be proud of ,because they will start seeing changes in their body their mind will be stronger and best of all especially for those people that do sport to give them self a purpose in life is, it give you a sense of self worth and achievement that they have done something

in my opinion i think individual sports are like a drug .BUT ,its a good drug ,its a healthy drug ,its a WORTH IT drug. 

Tuesday 15 October 2019

south island vs north island

The South Island is better than the North Island

We all know that New Zealand is made up of 2 main islands-the north and south island- so could we tell which one is better to live in ?. well not really because everyone will look at it differently. For example many adults will look for things like cheap housing and places with good jobs that are in high demand. on the other hand younger people might want a place with lots to do with their friends like maybe a fun park or other thrill seeking activities. so obviously its hard to tell if you dont know why let me explain 

ok lets start with the south island, So the strongest  The south island is less populated meaning that buying a house would be cheaper than in the north island. also in bigger cities travel will be quicker in the south island again because the south island has less people.

Also the south island has a huge amount of open land and native bush between each city while  the north island is smaller and the cities are closer together and there is less native bush and open land. so if your like doing things in the outdoors on your own (not with a commercial company) then it is most likely you will find that there are more places for you to go out and do things like hunting,fishing,camping,kayaking, and much more

Friday 27 September 2019


What is Pumice? Pumice is a type of rock that forms when lava hits water. There is no time for crystallisation and that's why pumice floats on water.

How does it form from volcanoes? The holes are actually gas bubbles that were trapped in the rock during the rapid cooling of a gas-rich frothy magma. The material cools so quickly that atoms in the melt are not able to arrange themselves into a crystalline structure.

What are its properties? Pumice, called pumice in its powdered or dust form, is a volcanic rock that consists of highly vesicular rough textured volcanic glass, which may or may not contain crystals. It is typically light coloured.

How is it like Hockey Pokey? It is like Hockey Pokey because it cools quickly and the bubbles inside the hockey pokey are like the bubbles trapped inside the rock

How did we make it, and get it foamy? We made the Hockey Pokey foamy by adding a teaspoon of baking soda. 
Image result for pumice cartoon

Tuesday 3 September 2019


Spring looks like blossoms 
Spring tastes like honey 
Spring smells like flowers 
Spring feels like the weather is just right 
Spring sounds like kids playing outside 

Summer looks like people at the beach 
Summer tastes like ice cream and salt water 
Summer smells like barbecue and the river on a sunny day 
Summer feels like the sun burning you as u swim away the day light 
Summer sounds like people splashing in the water 

Autumn looks like leaves on the ground in big piles
Autumn tastes like hunger for summer to come again 
Autumn smells like trees 
Autumn feels like walking through leaves on the grass
Autumn sounds like leaves crunching under your feet 

Winter looks like snow and ot rain on the ground 
Winter tastes like hot chocolate 
Winter smells like wet concreate 
Winter feels like wet feet and cold hands 

Winter sounds like rain hitting the ground outside

Tuesday 27 August 2019

National park's & real estate

National park's are taking up valuable real estate and should be cleared for development.

Image result for deforestation cartoonnational park's are a beautiful piece of un disturbed nature in basically all countries, BUT, some people are saying that they should be cut down to make room for real estate development.

I think that all national park's should be left as they are because they are some of the only untouched nature reserves in the world. I think that, instead of clearing national park's the real estate developers should try and find different places that they can build there houses, such as stopping people from  being able to buy land and then not do anything with it.

Another reason to leave national parks the way they are is because if we were to go cut down even just two or three national parks in New Zealand there would be a lot of downsides to that. Some of these being native plants and trees are being cleared which for obvious reasons that is bad, and probably the worst thing would be that all of the native animals will be forced out of the natural living environments so that could lead to some of these animals not surviving,if they dont die during the process of the national park's being cut down.

so basically if you would rather have more houses for people to live in then go ahead cut down the forests BUT, just remember , with every tree you cut, every log truck you fill, that YOU are deflating the lungs of our planet, and what happens when our lungs cant get air ?, they COLLAPSE. So if you want to keep our planets lungs pumping for longer. Then PLEASE, dont be that person that everyone remembers for for being rich and cutting down forests. be the person who says no be that person  was rich. Not with money but LOVE,love for our planet and for future generations.

Friday 23 August 2019

my English teacher


Tuesday 20 August 2019

New York-time square billboards

the time square billboards be turned off at night

*I think there would be no positives to turning of f the lights in time square.
*New York could lose tourism income because  some people might want to go there to experience the night life in New York.
*people that have payed for there brand/company to be advertised on a billboard could be losing money because, people that go to time square at night wont see their billboard and therefor the people advertising could lose money.
Tourism, advertisements, and the billboards all influenced how time square developed. What if we didn't have these 3 elements though? What if the billboards were shut off. New York City is known for their billboards - especially at night time - which is why they should be kept on.

What attracts tourists? The iconic symbols of a city does. In this case, the billboards, the casinos, nightclubs, etc. To get to the casinos and nightclubs, you pass the gazing bright billboards. If they're not there, what's the excitement? Your just driving past those blunt street lights. Or another case, even walking. You'll walk under a patch of light occasionally, and then back into the dark street, maybe bump into an odd traffic light. Tourists want to be fascinated by all of the ideas and colours in every direction. Without them there's no uniqueness to the city, just plain like everywhere else. No billboards, no tourists, less money.

Yeah billboards may cost a lot to turn on, but what's displaying on them? Ads. Ads to your left, ads to your right. It's not just a random slideshow playing, or a movie. Companies pay to get their advertisements put on there, and tourists pay to see the advertisements, it's a win/win right? Everyone profits. What would you profit if you turn them off? Nothing. Picture yourself walking through time square, trying to get around huge crowds at night, except the crowd probably isn't huge anymore. There's no adrenalizing lights glossing in the corner of your eye. It's just not special without them.

When people talk about going places, some people say "well i want to go to New York City to see time square". Immediately you capture a picture in your head of all the exhilarating, appealing billboards. If they were turned off, what are you going to picture? "well i want to go to New York City to see.." to see what? What is going to be as motivating or thrilling as time square lighten up at night. Now when people are talking about going places, New York isn't going to be the place the pops up in their mind. Maybe it'll be Paris for the eiffel tower, or maybe Arizona for the grand canyon. Time Square billboards is what makes it so distinctive.

The billboards should not be turned off. What's the commotion or excitement going to be about? What will motivate people to go there? Night time at time square will be the same as night time in any other place. Keeping them on will continuously benefit everyone.

by:pearl hughes 

Friday 16 August 2019

my art that was sabotaged by my teacher(special guest writer (Vincent vang gogh)

this is my work and btw vincent van gogh wanyed me to show the world that his death wasnt as simple as it seemed so here u go

Thursday 15 August 2019

Write That Essay sentences

Walt: identify WTE(write that essay) sentences to improve out writing 

simple sentence:
Hornby high school will be moving into new buildings soon.

very short sentence:
Help the turtles dont litter.

the power sentence: 
Don't litter stop global warming, and let the turtles live.

Red,White and Blue:
Kim jong un is fat,short, and ugly.

The adverb start:
Interestingly, Kim jong un doesn't feed his people but can afford to spend thousands on luxury food and drink for him self.

Begin with a preposition: 
In North Korea people are lead to believe that Kim ill sung single-handedly ended the Korean war.

The -ING start:
hoping to start a better life, many north Korean people try to defect (move) to surrounding countries, mainly south Korea.

The -ED start 
committed to becoming as fat as possible, Kim jong un doesn't give any food to the starving people in his country.

The semi-colon
Kim jong un is fat; he looks like a potato.

The EM dash 
Kim jong un -the fat potato- is a overweight spud

The W-start sentence
when Kim jong un was born, north Korea's average weight went up by 20%

Explore the subject 
Kim jong un, who is extremely overweight, likes to play with nuclear bombs.(because he is to scared to throw hands with other world leaders)

Friday 9 August 2019

my art work that inspired banksy to paint the girl with the balloon

ok so i dont have a photo but banksy hit me up a while ago and said that he was keen to paint one of my pristine crayon drawing on a wall in London.(btw if you are wondering who banksy is he is not hat guy from a band he is actually just a local guy that smokes heaps of weed.
and because he smokes heaps of weed he has very strong thoughts on our society so he just paints things on walls everywhere.
OH and he is a god at pranking the world, yea h remember when he made that photo frame that cut up a painting? yeah he is a GOD
thanks guys bye

Tuesday 6 August 2019

Should drugs be aloud in sport?

Should Drugs Should be Allowed in Sport 

*athletes could be able to stay at the top of their game for longer if they wished to(without sustaining a lot of injury's) .
*people wouldn't be able to return from injury faster because they will be able to use different medicines to help their bodies recover.
*some athletes that choose not to take ped's will have a huge disadvantage even if they are more skilled than the other people.
*certain sports could lose some of the competitive feel due to people using ped's
Image result for drugs in sporti think that drugs use in sports is a very interesting topic and it has a lot of sides to it. For example one thing you might hear a lot of people saying is "drugs in sports are bad because they give an unfair advantage to the people using them". But sometimes its not that simple see a person could be taking a PED (performance enhancing drug) of other banned substances because they have suffered a bad injury during their training or in their last competitive event.

the first and most backed reason for drugs being allowed in sport is so that athletes would be able to compete at the highest level of their chosen sport for longer. see i compete in MMA(mixed martial arts) and i have heard from a lot of people that have been around the sport for many years that they wish that drugs were aloud, but they don't say this because they want an advantage against their opponents in the cage, they say this because they are only human and they have been competing in a very physically demanding sport for years. So their bodies are starting to wear out and get injured more frequently. So drugs should be aloud in sport because then our favourite fighter or other sport player would be able to stay in their chosen sport for longer and in better health, without as many injuries.

But in sport we all want a to watch a game that is fair, exciting, and competitive, which leads me to my next point which is the leading reason that many sport's brought in drug testing agencies, and this reason is, people that are not on drugs will have a huge disadvantage in their chosen sport because obviously they will not because the people that are using ped's usually have higher testosterone levels which is obviously unfair for men's sport but the people that get caught using TRT (testosterone replacement therapy) the most are female athletes. Some people even use drugs that make their bodies muscle movements more explosive which for a person in a sport like sprinting or mma that is probably the biggest advantage you can have. So if we look at the argument from this point then drugs should not be aloud in sport because people that could otherwise be the best in the world at their sport will just be overshadowed be people that are using drugs, so if you want to know who the real top athletes are? well then join the majority of people and say no to drugs in sport

So now after seeing reasoning for both sides of the story what do you think? do you think that drugs should be aloud in sport, or do you think that they should not be aloud. I think that drugs should not be aloud in sport (at a high level) because as stated above they are just to unfair and even with the current testing in place for athletes many still slip past that and gain that unfair advantage.Do you want to watch fair, and  competitive sport then say NO to drugs 

Tuesday 30 July 2019

persuasive writing

What is pathos, logos and ethos

what is pathos?
pathos is the use of emotion to persuade someone to agree with your point of view on a certain topic 
examples of pathos are: using powerful words, humour, and the use of religious or spiritual references

Thursday 25 July 2019

winter appeal critical literacy

yo yo critical literacy time boys today we doing some looking at the og's the one and only salvation army so they made a poster about poverty and stuff so im gonna pick apart their poster and see if it ticks all the boxes of Mr Scott Aitken (masters of contemporary education).

1. is the text fair) yes i think the poster is fair i think it gives reasonable stats that there is a real problem in some New Zealand homes. these problems range from things such as buying food,to not being able to afford power to keep there house warm and healthy.

2. why is the text written in the way it is) the text is written in a way to try and convince people to donate or give money to the organisation that is trying to help the people that are in need of more money for simple things that some people take for granted.

3. who benefits from the text) the people that benefit from the text are the people that are in need of more money to afford things such as good healthy food or power and gas to warm their house.

Thursday 20 June 2019

Tinkercad drill gauge

Drill gauge 
(on tinkercad)

During making my drill gauge i had to learn how to make the hole's the right size so they would mirror the measurements that we were given to make our real life drill gauge.

the steps that i took are displayed below (maybe a couple out of order)
Step 1: the first thing that i had to do was make my solid drill gauge with no holes, the measurements i used for this were 100mm in length and 20mm in width.
____My final design____
Before any holes added 

step 2/final step: this part was adding in my holes for this i had to set a solid cylinder shape to (hole)

and then set it to its respective size eg for a 10mm drill piece i would set the hole to 10mm x 10mm .
Below is a video showing me making my holes and finishing my drill gauge

Monday 17 June 2019

Essay writing

What have i been learning?: how to write a good essay that ticks all the boxes of the sexxy and golden paragraph structure.
How have i been learning it?: in English we have been writing a class essay with Mr Scott Aitken (he likes to let us know he is doing studies for his MASTERS of Contemporary Education)
but yeah from that we have learnt how to write a good essay.
Why have i been learning it?: to prepare our self for future essay's.
What have i been learning?: how to punctuate my work properly (when i want to) using things such as commas full stop's and other things. yeah cause i didn't listen in primary i was to busy spending my writing time hiding in the reading corner
How have i been learning it?: Scott Aitken been dropping MASTERS OF CONTEMPORARY EDUCATION level knowledge bombs on my classes noggin.

Thursday 30 May 2019

Shakespeare Macbeth revision questions

1. He visits the Witches for a second time. Why? How does he react?
Macbeth visited the witches for the second time because he fears he might lose his position as king.
(when he goes to them he is scared and demanding answers because he is anxious about someone taking his title as king.)
Image result for macbeth
2. Has he completely lost it in the Banquet scene? (do you think the Ghost is real or imaginary?) yes he has because he is so scared of getting caught that he started seeing things. Like in the banquet seen when he saw Banquo sitting in the empty seat. (i think the ghost was in Macbeth's head and it wasn't really there.)

3. Why is he obsessed with killing Banquo? (oh yeah, and Fleance too) because banquo was suspicious of macbeth's plan and had a feeling that macbeth killed killed king duncan.(and he wanted to kill fleance because the witches said that banquo's son will be king and that was a threat to macbeth's power.(and also fleance saw the murderers kill banquo).

4. Which factor is most influential: (a) Witches & their prophesy? (b) Vaulting ambition? (c) Lady Macbeth? i think macbeth was influenced the most by lady macbeth because macbeth said he wasn't going to go through with their plan to kill king duncan then lady macbeth said she would kill kill a baby to gain power.

5.How does he justify his decision to proceed down the path of evil? he said it was like a vaulting ambition that he couldn't stop
Image result for macbeth

Wednesday 22 May 2019



In wood tech we made boomerangs, drew a template on paper then transported the drawing on to the wood. After that I cut the wood to the shape of the boomerang I chose and then smoothed the edges to make the boomerang smooth and round.

Image result for boomerang

Friday 3 May 2019

Drill gauge project

Related image

what is a drill gauge used for ?

A drill gauge is a piece of equipment used for measuring the size of a drill piece. 
At school in engineering class we made our own drill gauge. Our drill gauge was made for measuring drill bits that ranged from 3 mm-10 mm

what did I use to make the drill gauge ?

Image result for engineering tools
this is some of the tools i had to use 
engineers square
sand paper
drill press
buffing machine 
hammer during 

micrometer and vernier caliper

these two measuring tools were used a lot during this project for measuring the drill bits and our work.   
Image result for micrometre
Image result for vernier caliper
vernier caliper

video link for how to use both the vernier caliper and the micrometer 

drill gauge made on Tinkercad 

during the process of making my drill gauge i was tasked with making a drill gauge with all the same measurements and drill hole sizes, on tinkercad which is a program where you can design anything you want and 3D print it.

below is a picture of my design and a link to the page so you can check it out for your self and use it if you want 

what have i learnt? doing this project i have learnt how to measure using a micrometre and vernier caliper. 

Tuesday 12 March 2019

Macbeth critical literacy


What genre does the text belong to ? tragedy.

Why am i reading this text ? to learn new things about English language and writing.

What does the author want us to know ? He wants us to know about how power is dangerous, he also wants us to know about how guilt effects people that do bad things.(also that witches are bad)

Tuesday 5 March 2019

Macbeth Shakespeare

king James : so i don´t know much about this lad all i know is he was into to plays and i know he was a bit of a nerd. Along with all that he was a bit gross ya know he drooled over his clothes all the time and he picked his nose (what a lad). So to sum him up he was your local 21st century nerd (that just so happened to be king)
living in the 15th and 16th century

The gunpowder plot: So this was a bunch catholic people that were also mentally ill that decided that they were gonna go and kill king James. So what they done was basically 15th century version of noobs in fortnite. I say that because you had a group of people that were trying to find a easy way to kill a lot of people.

Witchcraft in Shakespeare´s time: Alright so in the 15th century if you went a christian person everyone thought you were a witch. I don´t have anything else to say but THIS IS WEIRD.

The globe theatre: the globe theatre is this thing.Image result for the globe theatre 

Friday 15 February 2019

critical literacy

English critical literacy
(DLO) to write things to to with critical literacy decipher text to see if it is real or not
2.everyone can have their own views on different to things
3.evaluating text to see if it is bias
4.question how knowledge is constructed and used
5.establishing power structures within a text

6.establishing key texts
Image result for critical literacy

what am i learning
we have been learning how to decipher text and other things to see the deeper meaning in a text

how does this show my learning
it shows that i have gained a range of knowledge about critical literacy

what am i wondering
i am wondering why people make fake sites

Thursday 7 February 2019