
Monday 17 June 2019

Essay writing

What have i been learning?: how to write a good essay that ticks all the boxes of the sexxy and golden paragraph structure.
How have i been learning it?: in English we have been writing a class essay with Mr Scott Aitken (he likes to let us know he is doing studies for his MASTERS of Contemporary Education)
but yeah from that we have learnt how to write a good essay.
Why have i been learning it?: to prepare our self for future essay's.
What have i been learning?: how to punctuate my work properly (when i want to) using things such as commas full stop's and other things. yeah cause i didn't listen in primary i was to busy spending my writing time hiding in the reading corner
How have i been learning it?: Scott Aitken been dropping MASTERS OF CONTEMPORARY EDUCATION level knowledge bombs on my classes noggin.

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