
Thursday 24 October 2019

team sports are better than individual sports

*team sports will help you improve skills like teamwork and other social skills.

*With individual sports usually you are part of a club or team anyway so you do have a team but when you go out to compete you are alone.

*Individual sports could help you grow your self confidence because when you win you will be proud of your self for committing to the training and then  going out competing and winning.

*In team sports you have to rely on all of your teammates showing up for training and games. but with individual sports you just have to worry about you and making sure you are going in to your training and putting in the work.
Team sports and individual sports have there obvious differences. so the question is ,are team sports better than individual sports? well i think that they are both good to play i personally enjoy playing almost every sport. but i think that individual sports are the best.

This is because team sports have a lot of factors that all have to go to plan for a team to be successful, but individual sports on the other hand are more about you going in and doing your training, you dont have to rely on other people to be at training. Even though we call sports like tennis ,golf and boxing "individual" sports they aren't really because you have people that you train with at a club or gym, and you probably have coaches as well, but even though you do have a team that help you train you dont need them to be there every training for example with golf you could just go to a driving range and practice there on your own, and with boxing you can go in to the gym and get your training in by hitting the bags or practising things like footwork and other things that you dont need someone else there to help you with.

another reason that i think that individual sports are better than team sports is, in team sports ,especially at younger ages there are people that have been playing for longer or are more talented ,you get the point, there a lot of things that can create a skill gap within your team. This can sometimes lead to the players who are newer and or less talented not being given as much of a big role in the games, but not because they dont want to but because they just get left out. this can lead to some people not continuing to play the sport and quitting.With individual sports there you do have a team but you wont get left out ever because, ill take boxing for example, when you go into a boxing gym you go to the class and you pair up with one of your team mates and you smash out some rounds. The biggest argument is that when you step in to the ring or go onto the court in tennis there is no one else there but you and your opponent so this means that all if you lose you wont have anyone saying mean things to you ,apart from yourself maybe. But usually if you lose your game or fight then you want to go back and fix what you done wrong and then come back better and more prepared than you were the last time you took centre stage.

Overall i think that individual sports are better than team sports i say this because i myself do an individual sport. I compete in mma(mixed martial arts) which is a very physically and mentally hard sport ,i have felt the crazy high of having your hand raised after a fight and finally knowing that all my hard work has payed off and this made me feel really good about myself ,because i know that there was no one better than me in there helping me win ,it was just me but the biggest reason why i think that individual sports are better than team sports is surprisingly, the low of losing, let me explain why losing is in ways a really good thing about individual sports. well when i lost my first fight i had 2 wins before that and that was all good BUT after that loss it felt like a fire was lit inside me and then i never wanted to lose again so it has made me obsessed with bettering my skills and fitness. and that is what i believe could better a lot of people that do sports to give them self something to be proud of ,because they will start seeing changes in their body their mind will be stronger and best of all especially for those people that do sport to give them self a purpose in life is, it give you a sense of self worth and achievement that they have done something

in my opinion i think individual sports are like a drug .BUT ,its a good drug ,its a healthy drug ,its a WORTH IT drug. 

1 comment:

  1. I like how you have used commas, however you have used them wrong the space is supposed to be after the comma but otherwise goodjob on the writing i like your ideas and points.


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