
Thursday 20 June 2019

Tinkercad drill gauge

Drill gauge 
(on tinkercad)

During making my drill gauge i had to learn how to make the hole's the right size so they would mirror the measurements that we were given to make our real life drill gauge.

the steps that i took are displayed below (maybe a couple out of order)
Step 1: the first thing that i had to do was make my solid drill gauge with no holes, the measurements i used for this were 100mm in length and 20mm in width.
____My final design____
Before any holes added 

step 2/final step: this part was adding in my holes for this i had to set a solid cylinder shape to (hole)

and then set it to its respective size eg for a 10mm drill piece i would set the hole to 10mm x 10mm .
Below is a video showing me making my holes and finishing my drill gauge


  1. Great work Gary. I'm really pleased you cracked using Screencastify.
    Next time you could improve your work by using a series of screen shots as you design your product.
    Make sure the commentary on the side is identifying what you are doing, describing why you are doing it and explaining why you have choosen this design

  2. Hey Gary what a great project. Do you have access to a 3d printer ? If not I would happily print this for you and give it to Ms Morgan . I might even need to print one for myself #usefulstuff. I think starting off with the solid was a good way to design this. Here is a link to my designs on thingiverse. . what are you going to design next?

  3. Hi Gary,
    What an excellent way to show us through the process. What did you enjoy the most? I'll be excited to see more blog posts from you showing us the great learning you're doing. What have you decide to work on for next time?

  4. Hey Gary,
    Thank you so much for sharing your learning. It is so cool to see the work that you are putting in during class time. I like that you included the measurements in your write up, very helpful. I also like the screencastify of you completing the task. To make this even more engaging it would have been great to of heard you explaining the steps as you did them. Dave's comment above is so awesome! It is great to see how you can make connections - I wonder if you do have a 3d printer? What other things would you like to make?
    - Miss Morgan

  5. What a great posting about your learning and a wonderful sharing of something SO practical Gary. You seem to have an authentic passion in this particular curriculum area...keep up the inspirational work. I look forward to seeing where this designing niche will go.


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