The North Face
in life we've all faced challenges and or done something that was quite risky. Well i know i have, It was when i was on project k, my day started like any other, waking up to the sound of a phone alarm screaming in my ear at 4:50 in the morning, ok maybe that's not like any other day but anyway i rose from my slumber and sat up then i remembered that today was the day that we had to climb mount oxford, but that wasn't when the challenge started, it started when me and Ryan had to wake everyone up and make sure they were packed and ready to leave be 8 o clock, and it was cold like really cold.when we were all ready we started our tramp in classic “Gary's the leader day” fashion, so of course we went the wrong way for 2kms. but we went back and got on track then we realised we are going hill and it began to show quickly people were slowing down and stopping and since we were a team we had to wait for them, but we had to keep pushing those people to keep going because we didn't want to be walking into the night (we ended up walking into the night)
the worst part about it all was that by 3 o clock people were stopping all the time because they were tired. This made me frustrated and restless because i knew that they could keep going but, their minds were holding them back from continuing but then when we all finally got to the top of the mountain we all felt like we had achieved something and i guess i could say it was a good feeling being up there in the clouds freezing and breathing in that dry thin air,
after our break we had to start heading down the mountain ,fast, because the clouds were turning grey and before we knew in there was rain and hail hitting us. so me and the other leader that day decided that we had sat around for long enough and that we had to start going down the hill, now you may think that was easy but no it wasn't, actually a lot of people were falling over and hurting themselves because it was so steep and we were going down hill.
but in the end we did end up getting down the huge mountain and mostly unscathed apart from a couple of bumps,bruises,and cuts we were fine and then as we came around a very sharp corner we saw it, the lodge that we were sleeping in and the lodge that we would get our first good meal in a week. That's when me and everyone else knew that we had done it we had walked 12kms and walked up and down a 1250 m mountain. When we all got to the lodge we all collapsed on our beds and talked about what a crazy day we just had.