
Tuesday 12 March 2019

Macbeth critical literacy


What genre does the text belong to ? tragedy.

Why am i reading this text ? to learn new things about English language and writing.

What does the author want us to know ? He wants us to know about how power is dangerous, he also wants us to know about how guilt effects people that do bad things.(also that witches are bad)

Tuesday 5 March 2019

Macbeth Shakespeare

king James : so i don´t know much about this lad all i know is he was into to plays and i know he was a bit of a nerd. Along with all that he was a bit gross ya know he drooled over his clothes all the time and he picked his nose (what a lad). So to sum him up he was your local 21st century nerd (that just so happened to be king)
living in the 15th and 16th century

The gunpowder plot: So this was a bunch catholic people that were also mentally ill that decided that they were gonna go and kill king James. So what they done was basically 15th century version of noobs in fortnite. I say that because you had a group of people that were trying to find a easy way to kill a lot of people.

Witchcraft in Shakespeare´s time: Alright so in the 15th century if you went a christian person everyone thought you were a witch. I don´t have anything else to say but THIS IS WEIRD.

The globe theatre: the globe theatre is this thing.Image result for the globe theatre